Can a L5S1 hernia cause testicular mild pain in your right testicle after sex?

by Symptom Advice on February 6, 2011

My hernia did cause me prostatitis symptoms, shooting pain, and lower back pain. I am better now after 7 months…but after sex I feel a bit of pain in my right testicle – I had them checked out by an Urologist and he did not find anything wrong with them. I read that could be referred pain from the nerves as a result of the hernia…could this be?…I checked them and they look find…

Yes, this could be a referred pain pattern associated with the L5/S1 disc herniation. It is common that during sex your back may be agitated due to the biomechanics involved and irritate the nerve root that has part of its distribution in that region. There are some materials available that you can probably obtain from an orthopedic specialist or a chiropractor relating to sexual positions that cause the least amount of pain/discomfort/stress on the back for individuals with pain in this area.


I know I am female and you are male, but I was unfortunate to have the same problem as yourself. During sudden cold spells, if I had been coughing after a cold etc I would have a dragging sensation on the inside of my legs and in my private parts too.

After sex, I could barely stand and if I did, the shooting pain would literally bring me to my knees often. It also felt heavy and dragging.

After a couple of years this has passed, although every now and again it will still surprise me. you are never the same after you have had your muscles cut I am afraid.

Yes it can be referred pain and if you have been told by the urologist that everything is OK there then don't worry about it.
But, do keep checking yourself every month, after a warm bath or shower,
Check them both carefully and see a doctor again if you find anything unusual.

yes it can hello im a dr. and this is a common problem for what you have. when u do have sex do not use a condm it will help have ur partner use a liquid for the vagina it will help u

interesting i wish i had pain there it would add so much to my masochistic ways

dont have sex

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