Can wheat and/ or gluten cause extreme fatigue with no other symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on August 4, 2011

Often within minutes of eating cereal containing wheat, I become extremely tired and can barely keep my eyes open. Could this be a reaction to a wheat or gluten sensitivity? I know it is only ONE possible symptom, but can it be the ONLY symptom? thanks!

It could be. the symptoms of Celiac often slowly build and you dont even realize you had symptoms til much later. There are tons of symptoms for Celiac.
These sites should help u figure out if u are and how to get diagnosed.

It sounds like you may be coeliac. Its a condition where gluten/wheat cannot be digested by the stomach, causing pains and fatigue for sometimes hours after. Unfortunately it is untreatable, however there are alternative products available. See your doctor, they can help you best.
Good luck.…

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