Causes Of Lockjaw And TMJ

by Symptom Advice on August 24, 2010

As someone who has spent too much time in a dental chair, I can understand how frightening the uncertainty of TMJ lockjaw can be. TMJ or Temporo Mandibular Joint, often begins as something psychological that quickly deteriorates to something very physical and painful.

Most doctors and dentists will tell you that stress can cause serious damage to the body for an array of reasons, some which permeate the body even while a person is asleep. an increase in stress during the daytime translates easily to teeth grinding and clenching even while asleep. it is possible for a person to wake up with a sore jaw and also a headache. at first, a good diagnosis can be easy to miss. we write off the headache as too much tension or not enough sleep, a common problem in today’s overly scheduled and stressed environment. it is only when the condition turns into something serious like lockjaw that we sit up and look for a cure.

What Happens when You Clench your Teeth?

TMJ happens when the tendons in the jaw become overly exerted and inflamed. Lots of clenching or “biting one’s tongue,” as it were can lead to TMJ. the muscles in the jaw become extremely sore. There is also some suggestion that a misalignment can contribute to TMJ, which is quite possible. the problem really is that, once the tendon suffers inflammation, inflammation itself can cause more trouble. it is possible for something to be inflamed for so long that healing is impeded. the body becomes so accustomed to the inflammation that the condition itself worsens. It’s as if we’re under tension, our jaw throbs with pain, causing more stress and tension, causing more pain.

According to, a leading organization on scientific and medical news, “Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells which are present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process”. Inflammation in itself is a normal response that signals the beginning of the healing process. however, when the body has been under that stress for too long, it impedes the healing process because it changes the cells that are present at the site of the inflammation.

Connection between TMJ and Lockjaw

What does this have to do with TMJ lockjaw? quite simple. the jaw has been inflamed and in pain for an extended period of time. In response, it becomes so aggravated and inflamed that it seems at one point to lock in place, disabling the person to open or shut his mouth. it seems, quite literally to lock up. as muscles are connected rather than isolated, this can lead to a whole host of related pain, including excruciating headaches, pain that radiates through the neck or even the tops of the shoulders.

There is, of course, a way to deal with the pain of TMJ lockjaw, but for relief to be long-lasting, one needs to deal with all the causes of TMJ. yes, taking an anti-inflammatory or its naturopathic counterpart, something like Inflameric, is a good first step, but it should not be the only part of the resolution. Treating the inflammation is good, but treating the real, underlying cause that created the problem is even better.

There is a saying, “He who does not make time for recreation will be forced to take time for illness.” Remember to address the stress and tension that led to the TMJ in the first place if you want to prevent it from returning. One effective way to relieve TMJ lockjaw is to perform daily exercises that can drastically help relax your jaw. Click here to find out more.

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