OAK Lodge residential care home decided to reach out into the community and offer a service to carers who deal with loved ones with any kind of memory loss dementia.5th August 2011
They decided to offer a place to meet socially on a monthly basis and the Forget Me not Club was suggested by Acorn Unit manager Carol Packer and members of staff who realised there was a real need for more education for carers in this situation and a place they could go for a coffee and a chat with others facing the same difficulties.
The initial meeting was set up on Frida July 8th, to hold an open forum and gauge opinion from the carers as to what format they required and when the club would be best held.
Some of the group pointed out that there was a carers group in Chard already meeting every second Monday but that unlike Forget Me not it was for any type of care, not specific to memory loss issues as suggested for the Oak Lodge one.
Many felt they needed more information as to what to expect in the future and symptoms to watch out for so it was agreed that professional support in the form of talks and information would be appreciated. Equally the need for getting together with people in the same boat was considered just as useful. A representative from the Alzheimer’s Society was present and the question was raised as to whether the group could meet to coincide with the memory cafe in the Guildhall or the Singing for the Brain sessions in Ilminster, where they could leave their loved one (subject to their level of dependence) while they came to the Forget Me not Club. Often the biggest issues for carers was whether they would be able to come away alone for those vital few hours of relief while someone else watched over their loved one.
Fritha Irwin, dementia lead for Majestica who run Oak Lodge, took on board all the suggestions of the carers and agreed that providing educational sessions I addition to the space for a social meeting was vital. the club is open to all comers who are caring for someone with memory loss at any level. for more information please call Oak Lodge 01460 67258.
PICTURE: LET’S GET TOGETHER – Memory loss professionals and carers at the first Forget Me not Club at Oak Lodge care home in Chard
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