I know about relapse and remitting. but I mean when your getting symptoms is it there all the time or can it come and go?
"Symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from person to person and from time to time in the same person. for example, one person may experience abnormal fatigue, while another might have severe vision problems. a person with MS could have loss of balance and muscle coordination making walking difficult; another person with MS could have slurred speech, tremors, stiffness, and bladder problems. while some symptoms will come and go over the course of the disease, others may be more lasting."
What Silver Tongue said…lol
Reactions to MS are variable as the persons who are affected by it. However, from the little I know about MS, and from the few people that I know that have it, yes, the symptoms come and go. The good news is that advancements are being made everyday, and soon they will figure out how to stop it. best wishes.
It comes and goes, but each time it leaves more scaring on the nervous systems
yes it comes and goes
The Swank Diet is supposed to be good for MS patients (See Dr Whitaker's Guide to Natural Healing).
We have heard testamonies that some people have gotten good results from drinking monavie juice.
My uncle has MS but i don't know much about it…. sorry
I think it comes and goes, but i'm not sure…
Yes, they can go into remission but generally increase in severity and frequency the further the disease progresses.
I have MS and my symptoms come and go. Sometimes worse than others. if u suspect that u have MS u should see ur doc soon.
Yes, usually the symptoms come and go, however, in case of primary progressive MS, symptoms come and never go and even worse they deteriorate all the time.
There is little absolite with MS
You can have symptoms that come or increase during the day
They can come and go to some extent.- Reailze that the physical damage cannot be confirmed to cause a particular symptom
Its a strange disease.