January 11th, 2011 by ghost
Our bodies are always speaking to us and if we do not tune in we will never understand the messages being communicated through, so it’s imperative that we remember how to listen and identify why things are not going well. Candida infections and associated symptoms are not the same from person to person, depending on the area infected, the organ or part infected and the extent of the infection.
Yeast infections are the main reason most illnesses occur, because they’re overlooked and often misdiagnosed and not treated correctly that’s the main reason the reoccurance rate is high. Curing Candida is not the right approach, simply because Candida is part of the human anatomy and our stomachs require it to perform their duties. Candida overgrowth condition starts when the natural balance between the friendly and unfriendly bacteria is changed, then the unfriendly bacteria overgrows causing a person to become sick.
Yeast infections associate themselves with various symptoms and these can be categorised as, digestive, Oral, Respiratory, mental, physical, mental, Eye, skin, reproductive & urinary symptoms.Digestive infections often bring about diarrhea, persistent heartburn, ulcers, constipation, bloating, constant gas & abdominal pain. But the worst of the digestive problems is leaky gut syndrome, a condition that causes inflammation in the intestinal lining and the microvilli is damaged. when it is damaged it’s not able to produce the required enzymes and secretions needed for digestion and the absorption of nutrients.
Reproductive infections usually appear arround the genitals, vaginitis, PMS, infertility, Impotence, sexual dysfunction, abnormal menstruation and viginal infections that usually produce discharge, itching irritation around the vaginal area , discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. Constant headaches, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, mood swings, loss of memory, irritability, migraines and depression are some the mental symptoms that are often emotionally demanding and can take you through a series of emotional roller coaster rides as your emotions change from one extreme to the other.
Oral infections are mouth ulcers, bad breath, sore throat, mouth blisters, and a white coated tongue that has a thick, curd like patches on or under the tongue and palate of the mouth with some irritation & redness. This makes eating very difficult, as swallowing food & liquids burns when food touch the infected areas.
Fragile immune systems due to cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes and H.I.V treatments may cause the candida yeast sufferer to get systemic yeast infections that can affect the vital organs, infections of the esophagus and upper gastrointestinal area are also common.
I believe Candida yeast infections are the body’s warning signs to let us know that we’re out of tune and not treating it well by giving it the nourishment it needs to be performing its duties the way best it knows how. It’s amazing that this single infection in its various forms is the the only reason for the many health problems people experience, get rid of Candida overgrowth then see all your health problems disappear, GUARANTEED
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