Hepatitis symptoms does it start at 4 weeks ?

by Symptom Advice on December 11, 2010

If you are talking Hep B or Hep C then many folks never even notice the symptoms…they are usually flu like symptoms. this of course is why it can be so dangerous!

Hep a is a tad different, and yes the time people notice symptoms is about 20 days. (headace, sore muscles, rashes etc)

SO ….with ANY of the above you want to see a Dr. right away!

There are usually no symptoms in the begining of hep. many people go yrs w/out noticing, then one day it hits them , they go to the ER and get a blood test then , boom there Hep.c positive.
It makes you tired and weak.
You can get it from tattoos even if everything is sanitized.
The test for hep. c is exspenisve though, free clinics never cover it. last year i got an STD test because i slept with someone that had hep.c , after i slept with him i found out. my bill was $600
for every STD testing known to man. then with insurance it was $125.
But i remember that the hepetitas testing alone was $180
Since then i havent been tested for hep. , only std. I really should though since i got more tattoos

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