I went to a concert last night, came home a little shakey and jittery. It was the normal symptoms for an anxiety attack, tightness in chest/throat, shaking, etc. I thought I calmed down, but I just woke up after sleeping for 5 hours, when I usually sleep for like.. about 9, lol. I feel like I'm going to throw up, but not in a sick kind of way, my throat just feels weird. I dealt with these symptoms before, but they usually don't last overnight for me. I think I'm calm, I'm taking deep breaths and all the other stuff, but it doesn't seem like it's helping. Is there anything you can recommend to make these symptoms go away a bit faster?
If you've been through this before…did your doctor give you some medication that you could take when an attack comes on you? if not, you should discuss it with a doctor to try to get help for the future.
I have panic attacks sometimes. I guess people have different things that trigger theirs, but aside from the usual triggers like stress, etc., I'm more likely to have them when I'm warm/hot (my downside of summer, lol). regardless of the trigger, what REALLY helps me is "cold". Anything cold. Turn up your air conditioner…kick off the blanket…drink ice water…wet a rag with cold water and put it on your forehead , chest, or neck…eat a popsickle. Anything you can do to feel cool. somehow it seems like your mind quickly switches the panic button off and focuses on the coldness. Hope this doesn't sound crazy, but it works for me!
you need to read all about anxiety and the symptoms and there are great sites on the net..we all differ but anxiety is created by fear and the more fear we have of the symptoms the more symptoms we get and so it goes in circles..relaxation is the key to recovery…when we fear our symptoms the more and harder they come…
This could be something more than an anxiety attack, like perhaps an alergic reaction especially if it happens frequently.
Please see your doctor.
If it is indeed anxiety – try deep breathing while concentrating on a specific thing (sort of like pregnant women breathing during labor and delivery)
Good Luck
It may not be convenient to detail your anxiety history. But anxiety attacks do not have a standard timing of how long it is going to last. It depends very much on your medication, case history, your past experiences, current exposure, and current CBT or desensitization helps you received from your counsellor or psychologist. However, you should discuss your symptoms with your psychologist and psychiatrist (medical doctor) and also let them know if you had taken any alcohol lately, which may have side effects on the medications if u r taking any now. Recent change of medication may also have some adjustment period which can also give rise to anxiety. I do not knot exactly which class of anxiety disorders you are experiencing and the history of it (and also are there any other things associated with your anxiety, for example, depression).
But cognitively, you are the best person to desensitize the fears or reminders that you had been exposed to or reminded of.
Tell yourself to that you can overcome this. you need a strong mindset to overcome all these things. U can also start reading this book by Dale Carnegie : how to Stop Worrying and Start living.
I suffered with anxiety for a long time .I was very happy in life except for the attacks. I learnt Meditation for a couple of years and that taught me deep breathing and how to relax your body and your mind. The best thing to remember is you wont stop breathing and you wont die . I tryed everything till eventually i decided to go on a very mild dose of anti depresants for anxiety not depression . as much as i hate the label of being on a drug like that it has helped and i would never go back . I have been on them for 12 mths and its great . I never thought i would say it but if you cant beat it naturally and you have had enough this is 100% bullet proof. I have almost forgot what Anxiety was ! good luck and i hope you find the best solution for you cause i know how horrible the attacks are.
If you think it might be anxiety related, please try Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! CBT is proven to be the most effective thing for general anxiety and panic attacks. It takes a bit of work, but if you put the effort in it’s super effective. you can speak to your doctor about doing a course, or you can take a course for free online at: livinglifetothefull.com/elear…
Also (you probably know this) make sure you are breathing properly – this will control your anxiety. as soon as you notice the signs of anxiety, check your breathing: breathe in slowly through your nose pushing your tummy out (to the count of 5 or so). Breathe out slowly and for a bit longer (to the count of 7 or so) through your mouth. do not breathe rapidly or shallowly (in the chest area). this will soon restore the balance of oxygen and you will feel a lot better.
I also do relaxation exercise tapes (progressive muscular relaxation). they really help if you practise often enough. this site has instructions on how to do it without the tapes (and other useful info): cci.health.wa.gov.au/resource…
I hope this helps and you start feeling better soon.
I will have to agree with MJ. this sounds like more than an anxiety attack. I have had a few anxiety attacks myself and they should at least subside after about an hour. Think about if you had eaten something you do not usually eat and since you were at a concert, think about how close you were to the amps. this is a large factor to consider. The ampage at a concert has adverse effects on the body just like going to a club where everything is vibrating. It can have strange effects on our bodies. you may want to make a visit to your family doctor and let him advise you. Hope you feel better soon!!