How long from the time symptoms occur is it obvious someone has Lung Cancer?

by Symptom Advice on February 9, 2011

i have felt fatigued for a few months now, and now my chest is starting to hurt, and i have worsening breathlessness. i am very worried, i got an x-ray but my doctor has not gotten back to me yet.

If your doctor suspects cancer, then specific diagnostic tests and medical imaging will be ordered.

Frankly, it sounds more like you have a respiratory or cardiac issue than cancer. in any event, this needs to be handled by your physician.

You have very vague symptoms right now & they don't really point to just cancer. Chest pains can be from just lung irritation or inflammation like in pneumonia or even just muscle or rib problems. Cancer of the lung usually causes other symptoms like coughing up blood when the disease progresses. Fatigue is so general & there are so many things that cause it. Breathlessness is a also a very general symptom & can be caused by lung or cardiac problems but also can result when the body has other diseases.I'd be curious to see if your doctor heard anything in your lungs like fluid, dullness or other physical findings esp. those pointing to a definite abnormality. the only way you will know is by the x-ray results. If there is an abnormal finding you will need either a CAT or MRI to know. it could even be justy the flu which also causes those symptoms. please contact your doctor for that is the only way you will know for sure. Good luck.

As I have just told someone else – when my dad had lung cancer he had no symptoms except a cough, 5 days after xrays and scans he had part of his lung removed and survived lung cancer, he died 3 years later of stomach cancer 6 weeks after being diagnosed. Do you not have to call your doctor for the results?

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