Most of statistical measurements, more than 80% of baby boomers are aging and want to work after the 65th years. you can not say that most of them do not have money, they need to retire, and most of them slightly more comfortable than others, of course. The real question is whether or not to be healthy, as we are accustomed pace. and when the baby boomers, work hard and live in other areas, such as vitamin B12 supplements can play an important role in our lives. this vitamin, many of our health care we are accustomed to believe in themselves unconditionally, he was young. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms is a water-soluble vitamin B complex, part of the group. Products such as meat, dairy products, fish and seafood, and vitamins, recommended daily value of 6.0 mg / day. Whether the appearance of some of us. * it helps maintain healthy nerve cells. * it helps maintain healthy red blood cells. * it helps prevent heart disease and stroke. * and in the process of DNA in our bodies. Neuron Vitamins are sometimes called cobalamin, cobalt metal, because the body uses to maintain healthy nerve cells. when the nervous system, essential fatty acids, vitamin B12. Shell protects the nerves of myelin is the skull. Is the synthesis of fatty acids, and if enough damage is caused by neuropathy and. Normally this is a long process and usually do not absorb the vitamin due to the gut. Normal aging of the baby boomers has cognitive impairment, and physical symptoms and more significant symptoms such as numbness and tingling in hands and feet. as mentioned above, the literal collapse of the consequences of the Myelin membrane separately. Red blood Telecommunications Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow for the first time in the organization. Vitamin D deficiency and symptoms of healthy red blood cells, which contributes to the production of bone marrow. 1959 Dr. Max guys have found that the proportion of red blood cells called hemoglobin. Cell is responsible for tissue hemoglobin oxygen transfer agent. when the red blood cells are not healthy tissues and organs in the body, and thus it has shortcomings. We can definitely say that the physical event. oxygen in the tissues of the body and burn the waste product carbon dioxide, as had been expelled from the lungs. Red blood cells and hemoglobin A. Anemia plays a role in the body is formed as the result of not enough red blood cells and hemoglobin. Anaemia Anaemia aggravated by adverse called vitamin B12. in some cases, a vitamin is secreción cells of the stomach, but not the glycoprotein is a factor in the absorption capacity of the natural vitamins will help. Homocysteine metabolism Homocysteine these guys are living a good and bad. this methionine, essential amino acid metabolism of other amino acids. Methionine and homocysteine has been discussed in detail on other pages.