McCain exhibits symptoms of early dementia. He will have full blown Alzheimers like Regan once he is elected. How long will it take for the world realize this?
I'm with you. it is already apparent to me so others must see it too. one of the key qualities of a politician liar is to be qwik on his/her feet. Did you catch his answer to the viagra-birth control question. I mean when he finally got around to trying to dance around it. I hope he doesn't win it.I would rather see a person in the prime of life in that job. He is older than dust.
Apparently it will never be noticed. It's already pretty apparent to me. He does not seem to be the same man he was 8 years ago. At times he's totally asleep on his feet. At other times he seems relatively okay.
It doesn't look good.
Hey MD… long, if ocramba is actually elected, will he completely destroy America and institute a complete socialist regime
he will have full blown dementia by the time he is elected
according to the obama people,
we already know what mccain is,
and we will still pick him as the better choice
becomes apparent? the world has already realized and that is why he is behind in the polls
McCain as a brain dead vegetable would still make a better president than " I'm embarrassed of America Obama"
It took me about as long to recognize Obama thought we had 57 states. McCain '08
Shame on you. I don't ever want to hear that Dems care about older people ever again. And btw,one of Obama's potential VPs is Sam Nunn who is 70.
It already is.
Not as soon as Obama's crack habit starts up again. oh,you know it!
longer than it just took yours to show.
it is already showing now, you just have to know what to look for.