Important Facts You Should Learn About Venereal Warts In Women Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

by Symptom Advice on February 18, 2011

Genital warts are typically caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is spread via direct skin-to-skin contact, normally during oral, anal or vaginal sexual contact. Human papilloma virus has no fewer than one hundred various types, of which 40 cause genital warts, and the biggest culprits are HPV 11 and HPV 6.

Female genital warts are typically located around or in the vagina, around the anus or on the thighs and could be risen and whiter or small and pink and in certain instances they group and form clusters. Specific types of the human papillomavirus cause cervical cancer; nevertheless, they do not cause genital warts. the diagnosis is typically done by a physician who conducts internal examination of the anus or the vagina and visual examination of the genital area. in some instances, he may also take a biopsy from a wart.

Various treatment options are available today, still it is important to have in mind that they only take care of the visible signs of the infection, and the HPV remains in the body. the most commonly used treatments are topical. While some can be applied by the persons on their own at home, others are applied only by medical staff as they carry the risk of burning the skin. the podophyllin 10-25% is applied for about six weeks, TCA (trichloroacetic acid) 80-90% works in a similar way, and podofilox solution 0.5% should be used two times daily for three days, which is followed by four days of non-treatment. All these methods are successful at removing or reducing the warts, but the recurrence is possible. a few herbal and natural supplements have been long used as well and enormous success has been observed by most women that have tried them. electrocauterization, surgical excision and laser ablation are also used and have lower recurrence rate, but they also need visits to a doctor and have much longer recovery time.

Female genital warts are contracted after skin-to-skin contact, consequently using contraceptives offers some, although not perfect protection. the best way to evade getting infected is by avoiding sexual contacts or practicing monogamy. Vaccine for young women is available in all countries. It is recommended that women be vaccinated because the vaccine protects not only against HPV 6 and 11, but also against the HPV 16 and 18, which cause cervical cancer.

If you spot clusters or warts in the genital area or on the thighs, you should pay a visit to your healthcare provider right away – although the virus strains that cause the warts in women are believed to be low risk, you stand a good chance of getting rid of them if the treatment is started before they spread to larger area. Follow your health care provider’s recommendations, abstain from sexual contacts during the treatment course, and limit the quantity of your sexual contacts with different partners after the treatment.

To find out more about hpv or about hpv genital warts in women – pay heed to the author’s websites with detailed artcles.

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