You may have encountered indigestion during pregnancy. It is normal since you have a baby inside you. It will grow larger and larger providing some pressure to your stomach. as a result, you will not be able to eat well and have some symptoms called indigestion or acid reflux.
Indigestion during pregnancy happens when you have stomach acid flows into your esophagus. normally, this should not occur because you have lower esophageal valve to prevent this. however, you can have this in several circumstances. Being pregnant is one that provides the chance for you to have acid reflux and cause heartburn.
Heartburn includes the symptoms of having the pain on the chest. some people compare it to the symptoms of the pain from heart disease. It is a stinging and burning pain. Approximately 15 million of the US people suffer from it.
You can have heartburn or indigestion during any period of your pregnancy. It is estimated that there are 20 per cent of female experience heartburn during the first three months of pregnancy. The number increases to 40 per cent and 70 per cent for the second and third semester respectively.
The symptoms will not be harmful to your baby but the treatment of them can be. so, you will need to be careful on what medicines that you are going to use. It can carry some side effects which may not be desirable. Consult your doctor before using any medicine when you are pregnant.
Another way to treat indigestion during pregnancy is using home remedy. You can apply what you have already had in your kitchen to help cure heartburn. It can be safe and less expensive for you.
Want to know more about home remedy for heartburn that can help you permanently get rid of heartburn?
Check out at Remedy for Heartburn
Author: Tom MandascoArticle Source: EzineArticles.comRetirement plan