Is it okay not to have any symptoms while pregnant?

by Symptom Advice on December 11, 2010

I am 2 months pregnant but have had no symptoms like I did with my first. I find this strange and was wondering what you thought? Think everything is okay?

Every pregnancy is different. call your Dr if you are really concerned.

i had no symptoms with my first….it was wonderful…….

yeah is ok and you should be happy that your not getting them trudt me their are not good. But is to early to say that your not you'll probably start getting them when you are like 4 months.

Yes, be grateful. You are one of the lucky ones! I wish I had that, I wish I had that now! Congratulations.

It's fine, you are one of the few lucky women!!! My sister never had any pregnancy sypmtoms, other than her belly growing of course, with either of her pregnancies.

The only person who can answer that for sure is your doctor. however, I wouldn't personally be concerned about the lack of symptoms. I never had any of the "typical" symptoms during any of my 3 pregnancies, with the exception of a loss of my monthly time. if you are really concerned, check with your doctor, but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it. each pregnancy is different.

Yes, in fact enjoy it. You may not have these symptoms later or you may. the only symptoms I had was a cold and sore breast like I was going to start. Now I am 12 weeks. still sore breast but very little morning sickness. Only when I change poopy baby diapers do I even get morning sickness. It's crazy because I have changed poopy diapers more than I can count with 18 nieces and nephews. But it is entirely normal. if you are concerned see about scheduling a visit with a doctor. it may put your mind more at ease.

Yes it is normal. not all Woman Expeirence Morning sickness or other symptoms. You are also still very early..not sure of how many weels. But Morning sickness usually doesn't hit until 6-7 weeks. I have always been very sick with my pregnancies but I also Know many people who Didnt have any symptoms at least not until late in pregnancy!

i would call the doc and make a appiontment. are u hungry at all or are you sick do they kick or any think. u can e-mail me at

Every womb is different from women to women, some gets all the symptoms some get one or two and some women have no symptoms at all, thats not a problem.

Congrats & good luck!!!

When I was pregnant with my second, I had absolutely NO symptoms at all until the end of my third month. then the rest of the pregnancy made up for it. Ooooo…boy!

with my first 2 pregnancies I was sick all the time etc. (both boys) this time I wouldn't have known I was pregnant if I hadn't taken a test..and started to show at about 3's totally normal..but wouldn't you know it I'm having a GIRL!! LOL

It's completely normal. Every pregnancy is different..You're just lucky!

What would you do if it isn't ok? Think you can make yourself have symptoms? My God, be greatful and relax!

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