Is there a chance you can get symptoms after an H1N1 vaccination, like fatigue, etc?

by Symptom Advice on August 24, 2010

Also, how effective is the vaccine at preventing the flu?

I think with any type of vaccination it gives you a liitle strain of whatever its supposed to prevent

How effective it is ……….well I believe if your gonna get then your gonna get it no matter what precautions you take

One in three people get a sore arm from the shot, mine was sore for about a day. some with a little redness and swelling. About 10% to 15% of people feel tired or get a headache. Also you may experience a minor fever. the vaccine's effectiveness depends on your age and how god your natural immune system is but in the typical adult it is 70% to 90% effective

I know 2 people that after the vaccine they feel week and tyred all the time, and another one got paralysed one day after the vaccine.

I was vaccinated mid last year and straight after felt a little unwell, tired, headachey and a bit out of sorts. after a day or so I was fine and so far the vaccine is working fine.

NewsMax Health has issued many warnings as some other med web sites.they state that shot can be dangerous so it might be advisable to keep an eye on things and get med advice if continues or gets other symptons. I have serious med probs and am in high risk group but do not dare to get it as I have a wrecked immune system due to EI/MCS from multiple chemical exposures.

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