Ladies… How far along does a person usually be before they start getting pregnant symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 10, 2010

What are some symptoms?

I didn't start getting any symptoms till around 10 weeks.

Symptoms: missed period, loss of appetite, nausea, morning sickness, and breast soreness.

hun they can start at anytime believe me im 6 weeks pregnant and 2 weeks ago i was feeling sick all day everyday for a week i thought i had a tummy bug just take a test thats what i did good lock xxxxxxx

With my first pregnancy, everything started right away (within a day or two). with my second, it was 2 months before I started with the morning sickness, cravings, scent sensitivity, swelling breasts (the only good symptom-LOL), etc.

I don't know what is a "normal" timeframe.

they can start getting pregnancy symptoms at around 10 to 12 weeks. the symptoms are vomitting (morning sickness), but vomitting doesnt always occur in the morning it can happen any part of the day or night.
sore breast are also a symptom.

for each person is different but mostly around 6 weeks you will start being so tired and may be sick

For me…I started getting some pretty good cramps and thought I had a sinus infection. Cramps…the baby adhering to the wall of my uterus and the sinus stuff I have heard is pretty common in pregnancy.

Usually the very 1st syptom would be the missed period… other than that sore breasts and feeling the whole "morning sickness" thing will come shortly after

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