which spread the more potent types of Malaria since most Malarial treatments are ineffective anyway…?
I ask because I returned from Uganda about 3 months ago. I took mosquito nets, bought lots of expeditions type repellant alongside using the malarial tablets and wearing long sleeves, etc. I was still bitten and now might have Malaria having become ill over the past few days.. I have all the symptoms confimred duirng a doctor's appointment today, and am now going for blood tests on Wednesday… I just feel pretty miffed that if I do have Malaria, it it will be with me for life….
no, we can try and control them.. but to completely whip out an entire species would lead to our own extinction
No insect has ever been killed off completely.
Those mosquito traps work great on a small scale.
seems not other wise they would be gone by now
People who have the carrier trait for sickle celled anemia are immune to Malaria. perhaps scientists will start researching this and conducting experiments and something can be done to permanently eliminate Malaria.
Removing standing water and puddles removes their breeding ground. Hawaii has a mosqito problem because of the warm weather and puddles of water that people don't dump. Bringing in certain kinds of frogs that prey on mosquitoes is also good. in China some time ago there were so many flies, so the Government told the people to kill every fly and within a short time the flies were gone.
malaria was common in the states pre-industrialisation the sulphur that polluted the air eradicated the malaria carrying mosquito's for the lower 48. we have much better drugs these days so it should be too bad. i am glad you got to go to Uganda but I am sorry you got malaria.