Music therapy can show results in improving symptoms of schizophrenia

by Symptom Advice on December 16, 2010

some researchers say they have made a study and found that in terms of psychiatric in-patients with schizophrenia, music therapy, some symptoms that improve created by this disease. Music therapy for people with acute schizophrenia was to be exploited as never before, and this research is a step forward.

For this study, music therapy, it was decided that some patients received standard care alone, and others will be treated to music. It was not a large study was small, with 81 patients, but the results are encouraging. Those who followed the music therapy from 8 to 12 sessions, once per week for 45 minutes. They also had access to some musical instruments, and were encouraged to express themselves using these tools. After the test, the researchers have done studies and found that more improvements to those of the treatment of music in those who had received standard care alone. Since music therapy, he had seen a reduction in general symptoms such as depression and anxiety, and also the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, such as emotional withdrawal.

The result of this study is that music therapy is a possibility of working with people who are seriously ill, is there a way to express the therapist will help them interact through music in a pleasant, constructive and creative. sometimes there are symptoms of schizophrenia, which do not respond well to drug therapy, music therapy and is a method that can help much to reduce some of these symptoms. It is assumed that there is sufficient evidence on the effects of music therapy, and it should begin an explanatory randomized study of music therapy for people with schizophrenia, and the purpose of this test should be to the impact explore and cost-benefit of this type of therapy.

In summary we can say that the test was made, a step forward, now patients with schizophrenia have another option that conventional treatment should be supplemented, and they become a Improval symptoms are assessed, particularly in cases where drug therapy not show the result. the therapist will help them to express themselves so that they interact through music in a constructive and creative, and also try to monitor the patient’s emotional state in terms of music.

For more information about schizophrenia paranoid schizophrenia or even about this site, please read

Symptoms of schizophrenia

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