she is a one year-old bichonapoo.(bichon mixed with a puddle) she is a very energetic dog, but today she is very lathargic, shy, jumpy, eyes are droopy, not playful at all. she got into some oranges. but i dont think it has a relation. some one help i am very worried.
she might just have had a bad day but if your really concerned call your vet and tell them this.
my dog didnt have these symptoms so im not sure
u should go check with a vet
You might want to call the vet and ask them
May have gotten into something else also. May need to see a vet to rule out poison.
That's what vets are for – get her to one if she isn't o.k. in a day or so.
call the vet.
It definitely sounds as though your dog isn't feeling well! the tiredness, dull eyes etc. are classic signs. the oranges may have something to do with it, depending on whether or not she actually ate any, and if so, how many.
Orange peel and pith can be irritating to a dogs digestive system and she could have a pretty upset tummy. Of course, that could just be coincidence and it could be something else entirely.
I suggest you take her to your veterinarian tomorrow and get his opinion. It's always better safe than sorry! Hope she's feeling better soon.
I would take to vet asap to make sure it isnt poisoning. maybe pesticides on oranges? I know grapes can be toxic.
she is haveing an elerjic reaction its conpleatly natural she probly got into something and u didnt see her u should take her to the vet and find out what it was that she ate or was around that she is elerjic to so that it does not happen again
I hate to say it but I would strongly suggest an emergency vet these small dogs can go down hill so fast and the symptoms she is deffinately not feeling well.