My GSD bit someone โ€“ what are the rabies symptoms ?

by Symptom Advice on December 6, 2010

My GSD has been fully vaccinated. But still i'm worried that if he is getting rabies or not. Because untill now the only symptom i see is that he has lost his eating appetite. and should the person he bit immediately get anti rabie shots ??

Oh my,if your dog has his rabies vaccine then HE CANNOT GET RABIES.I don't know what's so hard to understand about that.if you're that concerned,really,then go get him another rabies shot.$20.00 down the tube and you and the rest of the people who seem to think that getting their dogs shots mean nothing and they can still contract the diseases YOU PAID TO MAKE THEM IMMUNE TOO can stop your ridiculous worrying.Jesus Christ.

When the person who got bit reports your dog to Animal control as being out of control and a agressive dangerous dog who attacked him, then Animal control will come and take your dog away and do a rabies test before they destroy your dog.

actually turborobodgs speak for only some areas of the US in some the three bite rule still applies
if he's vaccinated he may not be required to be put down but WILL be quarenteined for 10 days if he's still alive then he does nto have rabies

It was pointed out to me that the penalties are area specific, so i have modified my answer. The area i know of will put am aggressive dog down if it attacks and bites a human. Animal control will test it for rabies first, so if you lived there, you`ll soon know if he passed on rabies. You may be looking at quite a lawsuit though, at the very least you`ll have to cover some medical bills and pay a fine.

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