All incoming kindergartners and seventh-grade students in Ohio this year face new vaccinationrequirements.
The Ohio Department of Health now requires all incoming kindergartners to receive a second doseof chickenpox vaccine and a final dose of a polio vaccine prior to entering school this year.
Likewise, all seventh-graders now are required to have a Td, or Tdap, booster prior to enteringschool to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.
“Those are new statewide requirements,” said Mitzi Kline, a spokeswoman for the Franklin CountyBoard of Health. “We’re working with all the school districts and we’re holding some specialclinics.”
According to Sharon Schmitz, health coordinator for the Pickerington Local School District, theTdap requirement is to address an increase in cases of pertussis, otherwise known as whoopingcough, among school children.
Pertussis is a bacterial respiratory disease that spreads easily and often begins with cold-likesymptoms, according to the Franklin County Board of Health’s website. the site states the diseaseoften proceeds to a severe, constant cough that ends with a “whoop,” primarily in younger children,while older children, teens and adults may not have the “whoop.”
“The students need to have had one dose of Tdap – tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis,adolescent and adult formulation – or Td – tetanus and diphtheria, adult – vaccine prior to theseventh grade,” Schmitz said. “The dose is intended to be administered as a booster dose forstudents who have completed the required doses of the initial series of DTaP/DT/Td vaccine.
“The potency of the initial series seems to be waning, so it seems that a booster isneeded.”
All kindergartners and seventh-graders must show documentation of receiving proper immunizationprior to being allowed to enter this school year.
If a student has had a tetanus (Td) shot in the past two years, it’s too early for them to haveanother tetanus/Tdap, according to a PLSD press release. Those students will be allowed to enterseventh grade with either a Td or Tdap booster.
Parents must follow up with their child’s doctor to determine when the Tdap should be given, therelease stated.
Students can go to their family physician or can receive immunizations at vaccine clinicsoffered through the Franklin County Health Department on Aug. 24.
Kline said appointments are preferred and can be made by calling (614) 462-3719. Families canalso contact the Fairfield County Department of Health at (740) 653-4489 for information.
“The vaccine itself is free, but there is a $10 administration fee,” Kline said. “We’re waivingthe $25 assessment fee until Sept. 30.”
In addition to the new requirements, Schmitz said kindergartners must have a total of fivediphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) immunizations, four polio vaccinations, two vaccines formeasles, mumps and rubella (MMR), three hepatitis B and two varicella immunizations.
Additionally, Schmitz said, kindergarten students must have a completed physician’s report priorto the start of school. All students new to the district must show documentation ofimmunization.
According to Schmitz, immunization requirements for other students are as follows:
Grades 1-4 must have four DPT vaccinations, four polio shots, two MMR immunizations, threeHepatitis B vaccines and one varicella shot.
Grades 5-11 must have four DPT shots, four polio immunizations, two MMR vaccines and threehepatitis B shots.
Grade 7 must have one dose of Tdap or Td.
Grade 12 must have four DPT vaccinations, four polio shots and two MMR immunizations.