Pregnancy Symptoms? Or Something Else?

by Symptom Advice on January 14, 2011

I might be pregnant but I currently ha my depo shot on the 29th, before I got my symptoms. I had a light period of bright pink on the 25-28th or shorter maybe even 25-26 or 27th. Anyways if I don’t usually get my period until before my next depo shot when will I find out? Because my period is not the same timeings. I don’t even know if I had a period, or a implantation thingy! Iv had sex about twice everyday so it wouldn’t be uncommon if I wasn’t pregnant. And I was about a week late on getting my depo shot (which was only the 3rd shot Iv had). So i still get periods at the end of the month. Well now it’s the 13th and I feel bloated, I sum what cramped yesterday but not really. I urinate frequently (day and night) and my lower back occasionally hurts.BUT: here’s the thing….earlyier this week (monday an tuesday) in the mornings I was starving but when I started to eat I felt full:/??now I’m just hungry all the time and have to pee.Also I have a weird craving for water?I changed my sleeping routine from 10 to 8:30??! which is strange for me also.I can’t think of much more:/Oh! I have felt like I needed to throw up but I didn’t.

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