It is important to know and identify the various sinus infection symptoms sothat you may effectively control the sinus problem before it gets worse.
It is essential that you know the chief sinus infection symptoms so thatearly detection can lead to early treatment and effective control of the illness at the onset.
Sinus infection is an irritating disease and a painful one too. but the sad partis that some people may have a sinus infection condition for years and yet they are not aware of it.
In general, the symptoms of sinus infection are general weakness and lethargy, nasal congestion,rhinitis or runny nose and it is also common to have fever and headache in all types of sinus infection.
Some people will find difficulty in their focus. Their eyes are especially sensitive to brightlights. A chronic sore throat which does not seem to heal could mean the presence of sinus infection.Serous otitis media, a condition where the eustachian tubes areblocked by mucus, could also point to sinus infection.
Depending on which of the sinuses are affected, the symptoms of the sinus infection may differ.Maxillary sinus infection has a close link with sinus infection tooth pain. this is due to the close proximity of the upper teeth with this sinus cavity.
If the cause of teeth pain is not the result of tooth decay after consulting a dental surgeon,then the most likely cause is sinus infection.
Should there be pain between the eyes and swelling of the tissues below and around the eyes, theethmoid sinuses could be infected.Sinus pain felt in the forehead and tender to touch in this region points to aninfection of the frontal sinuses.
On the other hand, if you have a deep headache with pain behind and on top of the head, acrossthe forehead, and behind the eyes with double vision or vision disturbances, then you could be suffering from acuteSphenoid sinusitis.
Top 10 Sinus Infection Symptoms
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