Specially Designed: Thyroid Tune-Up

by Symptom Advice on March 5, 2011

I am thinking it is time for a thyroid tune-up for me. My start to the new year was energetic, but lately I am like a wind-up toy that is almost wound down! I could take a nap at almost any time of the day with no problem.

I have thyroid disease and have known it and been on medication for it for about 9 years. The years that I was undiagnosed were so frustrating. I felt like a really bad mother because many days (which developed into years) I could not hold my head up, much less be a fun and energetic mom. When I look back I want to cry for those lost years. But, thanks to a wreck where we were rear-ended (!), a doctor felt of my neck for whiplash and discovered the swollen thyroid.

Having a doctor to palpate the thyroid, not just go by blood work numbers is KEY. I had had so many “normal” blood workups. Medication made for a slow but steady recovery, and I have enjoyed lots of good health since. It makes me sad for the thousands who are undiagnosed, though. And sad for the years I lost.

From emedicinehealth.com:

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in adults include:

Easy fatigue, exhaustion

  • Poor tolerance to cold temperatures
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (pain at the wrists and numbness of the hands)
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Intellectual ability worsens
  • Deeper, hoarse voice
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Depression
  • Irregular menstrual periods or lack of menstrual periods

If you or someone you know is struggling with undiagnosed “feeling bad”, don’t give up! Keep seeking the solution. Perhaps you need a different doctor or someone to go with you who will be persistent.

Stress can contribute to the destruction of the thyroid. Learn how to manage your stress and delegate. Raising a child with special needs can be stressful!

What’s your favorite stress buster?

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