Symptoms of colon cancer stages?

by Symptom Advice on February 22, 2011

I was wanting to know the symptoms of each stage of colon cancer from people that has experienced it. I am young, although the symptoms should be the same. I just need to know your knowledge for my well being. Please answer truthfully for me.

In its early stage, colorectal cancer usually produces no symptoms. The most likely warning signs include:

* Changes in bowel movements, including persistent constipation or diarrhea, a feeling of not being able to empty the bowel completely, an urgency to move the bowels, rectal cramping, or rectal bleeding
* dark patches of blood in or on stool; or long, thin, "pencil stools"
* Abdominal discomfort or bloating
* Unexplained fatigue, loss of appetite and/or weight loss
* Pelvic pain, which occurs at later stages of the disease
Stage 0 cancer of the colon is very early cancer. The cancer is found only in the innermost lining of the colon. Stage I
Also called Dukes a colon cancer, the cancer has spread beyond the innermost lining of the colon to the second and third layers and involves the inside wall of the colon. The cancer has not spread to the outer wall of the colon or outside the colon.Stage II
Also called Dukes B colon cancer, the tumor extends through the muscular wall of the colon, but there is no cancer in the lymph nodes (small structures that are found throughout the body that produce and store cells that fight infection).Stage III
Also called Dukes C colon cancer, the cancer has spread outside the colon to one or more lymph nodes (small structures that are found throughout the body that produce and store cells that fight infection).Stage IV
Also called Dukes D colon cancer, the cancer has spread outside the colon to other parts of the body, such as the liver or the lungs. The tumor can be any size and may or may not include affected lymph nodes (small structures that are found throughout the body that produce and store cells that fight infection).

I have stage 3, and I was having problems at first that I didn't associate with anything serious. I kept having alternating diarrhea and constipation, and every now and then I'd get these "ribbon-like" stools. when I got worried was when I suddenly started getting severe pain, like the worst gas you can imagine, and every 15 minutes or so I'd also get mind-blowing pain. My husband took me to the emergency room, and after a barium swallow, they told me it was just gas, and to see my doctor if a laxative didn't work. a month later, it happened again. This time I went to a gastrointerologist, who did a colonoscopy. it turns out I had a tumor so big it was blocking off my colon, and the pain was because everything was backing up behind it and couldn't get through!

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