Question by Kara: the ten Millionth “Could I be pregnant” question?My last period was on Nov. 30, so I know it’s too early to tell with a home pregnancy test, so I just wanted to get some opinions. here are the details:
my husband and I had sex on Dec 8, but he pulled out before he came. I know all about precum, so I know it’s possible to get pregnant that way, but assuming I’m completely normal, I wouldn’t have been ovulating at the time anyway. We then had sex on Dec 11, the day that I was (supposedly) ovulating, and he didn’t pull out this time. I went to the doctor the next morning for a routine physical, they didn’t do a blood test, but a urine test showed no signs of pregnancy. Obviously, it wouldn’t show so early in the game. but now I am starting to have weird symptoms. A sharp pain near my left ovary, constipation, cramps, frequent urination, nausea, and I am having trouble sleeping at night. I feel as though if I were pregnant, it is far too soon to be having symptoms …assuming I got pregnant the day I was ovulating.
Is it possible that I could have actually gotten pregnant from the 8th, three days before I started ovulating, and that’s why I’m already have symptoms? Because even if I were pregnant, science would dictate that implantation only happened …yesterday, maybe? Doesn’t it take 3-4 days after the sperm meets the egg for the embryo to latch onto the uterus?
Things just aren’t adding up. I’ve been trying to read about it online, but everything is so contradicting and every woman is different and since this would be my first pregnancy, I have nothing to compare it to. I truly feel, either day it happened, it is still too soon to take a test, since my period isn’t due until Dec 26th. but wondering and worrying about it is driving me up a wall. I am also concerned that by just thinking that I could be pregnant, I am allowing my symptoms to get worse, only making me believe I’m pregnant even more, when I could be just fine. At this point, I’ve thought about it so much in just a few (long) days, that I don’t think I’d be too happy to find out that I wasn’t pregnant, which is another reason I’m avoiding home pregnancy tests. It’s so early, I am pretty sure it’ll give me a negative and it’ll just be a waste of money.
But I’ve been kind of a hypochondriac about things in the past. never about pregnancy, but other ailments. and I really don’t want to work myself up into this idea of being pregnant any more than I already have if I am, in fact, not pregnant and these symptoms are just in my head.
I guess I don’t even know why I’m asking. I know all you can really tell me is that it’s possible and that I just have to wait 11 more days for my period to take a test or to go see a doctor. I suppose I just needed to vent about it since it’s eating away at me and I’d like to hear input on what others with experience think about the situation and whether or not a person can actually tell this soon.
Best answer:
Answer by kailyejobewell surprisingly… i found out i was pregnant a week and a day before my expected period was supposed to happen….. so. it might NOT be a waste of money. you just have to be both patient and open minded.. you never know! you could find out early too!
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