Treatment of Lyme Disease With Homeopathy- Jesse Beckford

by Symptom Advice on January 10, 2011

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The treatment of Lyme disease can be very effective with homeopathic treatment.

Lyme disease is caused by an insect bite, in particular a tick bite. sometimes the tick can be so small as to be unaware of the bite until symptoms arise. Symptoms include a rash at the site of the bite soon after the bite, progressing to symptoms of the flu, then joint, heart and nervous system involvement.

There are three stages of Lyme disease. The immediate stage characterised by a rash, the intermediate stage which can include heart symptoms, nervous system symptoms and meningitis and the late stage characterised by arthritis as well as the nervous system involvement.

The early, rash stage can also have symptoms of the flu, such as body aches and fatigue. it can take several weeks or months to get to the late stage.

When treating any ailment with homeopathy, it’s always important to understand the cause of the problem. In Lyme’s disease, the cause is a bite. if this is immediately addressed with the homeopathic medicine Ledum, then the problem can be quickly resolved, and subsequent stages can be avoided.

Ledum is such a specific for recent bites, or puncture wounds in general, you rarely need to know what the specific keynote symptoms of this versatile medicine are. however, the longer ago the bite was, the more specific you need to be in your choice of appropriate medicine.

The strong keynote symptoms of Ledum, which will need to match your symptoms to gain any headway, is a great relief from cold applications, even though you may be cold in yourself. if this is not present, and the bite was some time ago, then the next most common homeopathic medicine for puncture wounds is Hypericum.

Hypericum is also the first medicine of choice for nerve damage, so if the bite was some time ago and you are beginning to see some involvement of your nervous system, then Hypericum is more likely to help you.

The longer ago the bite was, the more complicated your condition will be, especially if you have had various treatments. seeing a professional homeopath is likely to help you more than struggling with your own treatment.

The treatment of Lyme disease with homeopathy can be fast and non invasive. however, it’s also worth bearing in mind, that you only develop serious disease because your immune system is not operating at it’s full capacity. if it was, you may be bitten, but suffer no sequelae to the bite.

Focus on improving that for better future health.

Do you want to learn more about natural good health, in particular homeopathy? Download my free report ‘an Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies’ by clicking on the website link below. Good Health Naturally

Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath and homeopathic coach.


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