What are symptoms of a sinus infection?

by Symptom Advice on February 3, 2011

My eyeballs hurt REALLY bad, in the socket and when I rub them it feels like they're bruised. I'm also really dizzy….I've had a cold for a few days now. what gives?

Sinus infections are so painful and it doesn't let up or go away. It will only get worse.
The only things that really helped me was when my Dr. told me about a sinus wash that will kill bacteria.
you need

distilled water
sea salt
liquid chlorophyll and colloidal silver from the health food store.
in a glass mix 1/4 cup water with a pinch of salt and heat to body temperature.
add 5 drops each silver and chlorophyll and mix.
using a large dropper (like one used for infant medication) drop 2 full droppersfull into one side of the nose while laying down.
Turn the head and let it drain out the other nostril. be sure to have paper towels handy.
The silver kills the bacteria and there are several hundred kind that can live in the sinus cavities and anti biotics don't get rid of them all.
Do this twice a day for a week, mixing up the mixture fresh each time.
Then do it once a week for maintenance.
There is nothing in this that will hurt you, and it cured me.
I do not have to take claritin, or antibiotics anymore.
best wishes

Sinus infections are extremely painful. my son has them all the time and he has horrible headaches, usually around the eyes and right under your eyes and nose. The pain behind the eyes could be other medical problems, but I am thinking you have a sinus infection and that is what is causing the pain. You will need to see your doctor for antibiotics. A sinus infection can become very serious if left untreated. take care!

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