I think that I may have it.
Can someone please tell me what the symptoms of asthma are… and how do you know you have it?
shortness of breath, wheezing
raspy breathy or feeling like your airway is closeing
Restriction of breathing, sometimes over a very simple task(walking the stairs). the only way to find out if you really have it is to go see your doctor.good luck
a feeling of difficulty breathing, particularly feels hard breathing out – often hear a wheeze on expiration
usually made worse by cold air or exercise
go to your doctors – a quick test to measure your expirde air velocity will confrim or otherwise
you could also have brochitis or a chest infection
ihope this helps
Breathing changes
Runny/stuffy nose
Chin or throat itches
Feeling tired
Dark circles under eyes
Trouble sleeping
Poor tolerance for exercise
My brother used to say he "lost his air," when an attack was starting. You could see the ribs on his back moving in and out, because it was so hard for him trying to breathe.
Wheezing, which is a different kind of coughing is also a sign.
The ER gives oxygen to those having attacks. if the attacks are often, you might be given a nebulizer to use at home with Proventil in it. there is also Proventil syrup if the attacks aren't that bad.
Asthma does kill, so if anyone you know is having an attack, get straight to the ER.
From watching a friend of mine it usually is:
1.) Coughing and/or wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath, and bronchitis or bronchial infection
2.) Not being able to breath as easy as you could
3.) You get tired when you do a mobile activity
Hope I could help! if not, I would see a doctor.