What are the symptoms of kidney stones?

by Symptom Advice on December 10, 2010

I know where the kidneys are, and i have some pains in that area.. on my left side.. but are there any other symptoms? I know with appendicitis you feel nauseous on top of the pain… I was wondering if it was the same…
Help please!

You'll feel pain moving through your body as the kidney stones move. sometimes nausea and vomiting occur. EVentually the pain will reach your groin.

well you should feel pressure and pain where you kidneys are and it will burn when urinating if you have these symptoms go check a doctor

My son had those last year, very painful.he complained of pain in his upper left side, his rib cage.he couldn't urinate properly, and his back ached too.
One stone lodged in the end of his *ahem* and doctors had to remove it.
Go and see your doctor if you think you have them, a scan is the only way to find out.
Good luck, hope you'll be okay.

Nausea, sweating, dark urine, lower frontal abdomen pain. SOmetimes you feel like you have Mentral cramps very low……i have stones frequently. i passed one and i thought i was gonna DIE! it was the size of a piece of CORN! but i felt better immidiately. now i drink water, sprite, anything clear. Cranberry is actually dark, if you drink it, make sure its the SUGAR FREE NOT FROM CONCENTRATE. Remember , your kidney's are a filter!

You should go to the doctor pretty damn quick. Renal colic might start slowly, but then rapidly become incredibly painful. Untreated, people can go into shock because of the overwhelming pain. you might even be better to go to the Emergency at your hospital, where they will hopefully give you some strong analgesia. often they will give you morphine, which is fairly pointless, as the area affected is smooth muscle, which is less responsive to morphine Pethidine is far more effective, but a lot of E&R's are avoiding the use of pethidine as it is more difficult to manage than morphine. Renal colic will make you nauseous as well, and as it progresses you will become quite grey and clammy, and the pain will extend down towards the pubic area. There are plenty of things that create calculi (the stones), though sometimes there doesn't seem to be anything specific. I know women who think the pain worse than child birth.

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