What is hepatitis B?, its transmission and symptoms. how can it be prevented?

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

webmd.com would be more helpful

I know it can be prevented with a series of 3 vaccinations. you usually get them in about 5th grade.

Basically, it's a liver disease. It causes inflamation of the liver and may or may not result in permanent liver damage.

For more information check out this website:


I dont know of the symptoms, but its transmission is through body fluids. It can be prevented by a series of vaccines. In 1998 it became mandatory for all school children in florida to get the series of 3 shots. now they routinely vaccinate infants as well.

Hepatitis B transmission is also possible through needles… specially if doing drugs where in people share the needles. mother to fetus transmission can also occur. best prevention is vaccination. prevention on top of cure – works well for all diseases.

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