What symptoms did you have before learning you had colon cancer?

by Symptom Advice on March 4, 2011

I do not have it, however I am noticing some issues you may have or not have. you can answer this in additonal details.

I have shrunk a few inches, number two has varried in size shape and had small black dots in it sometimes and usually breaks really easiely. Butt pinches or cramps. Pain everywhere, more gas at night and thats about it. however I do have tmjd and muscle tightness everywhere as well so it could be both..

you have none till your later stages such as DUke stage 4 which mean it has made it to the lymph nodes and has spread to other organs sometimes symptoms start in Duke stage 3. The only way to know if you have colon cancer and to catch it early is getting a colonoscopy

Well, as the above answerer said, colon cancer doesn't show any symptoms until it's quite advanced. Hence, by the time I was diagnosed, I was a stage IIIC.

But the symptoms I experienced were:
– rectal bleeding (blood literally dripped from my behind)
– painful stomach cramps
– a feeling of not having emptied my bowels fully, kinda like feeling constipated
– thin stools
– fatigue

What made me see a doctor was the cramps and bleeding!

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