My typical cycles range from 29 days to 35 days, so an average of 31 days. last month I was on Clomid 100mg from days 3-7, I did ovulate but did not conceive. I do ovulate on my own, i just have very irregular cycles. I have never missed went over 35 days without a period. However my hubby and I decided not to take fertility drugs this month as sort of a "break"…but still trying on our own.
My last cycle started Sept 13…today is day 23 of this cycle. I am about 5-8 DPO today. My breast have a very weird feeling, it is like an ache but deep inside. They do not hurt to the touch I have no nipple sensitivity. also this past Sunday (day 21 of cycle) I ended up getting extremely sick from the smell of meat balls. I ended up puking several times. I am having some slight uterine cramps and hot flashes like crazy. Hubby and I have had intercourse everyday since day 9 (except day 13…hubby was out of town).
Anyone have this deep breast ache and end up getting a BFP? My next expected period should be here next week…but with being irregular it hard to guess.