8 Well-Known Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids

by Symptom Advice on March 11, 2011

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow on or inside the uterus. the following are some of the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids:

1. Pressure in the Pelvis – this can resemble the feeling of abdominal bloating, especially in your lower stomach area. Since the uterus is located near other organs of the body, when it enlarges due to the growth of fibroids, it can take up greater space and cause a very discomforting feeling.

2. Heavy or Long Menstrual cycle – if your entire tampon or sanitary napkin absorbs very quickly, this may be being caused by fibroids. Many women with fibroids also experience periods that last longer than seven days and pass considerable blood clots.

This is a bad situation because anemia can result from heavy blood loss. you should consult your medical professional if you menstrual period is so heavy that it prevents you from participating in your normal routine activities.

3. Spotting before Periods – Many women with fibroids also have spotting a couple days upto a week before they start their menstrual cycle. Sometimes the fibroids agitate the uterine wall which causes the lining to shed, hence spotting.

4. Painful relations – Painful is another symptom of fibroids. Sometimes a woman will feel constant pelvic pressure during , and sometimes she will only feel pain in certain positions. either way, fibroids can have a negative impact on one’s life.

5, Constipation – if fibroids press against the rectum, they and cause difficult or painful bowel movements. Constipation is yet another unpleasant and uncomfortable symptom of fibroids.

6. Pressure on the Bladder – if fibroids are pushing against the bladder, they can cause discomfort urinating. this can also cause constant urination, especially at night. Sometimes a woman will feel her bladder being full, but be unable to urinate.

7. Inability To Conceive – if you are having trouble conceiving you should definitely get tested to see if you have fibroids. Fibroids can distort the uterus which can interfere with the embryo trying to implant to the uterine cavity.

The definition of infertility is couples who can’t get pregnant within a year of trying to conceive or 6 months of women age 35 or over. if you fall into this category, it is advised that you consult your physician.

8. Widening Waist Size – if you notice your waist or pant size increasing, it might not be due to gaining weight. if you fibroids are enlarged, they can cause your waist size to get greater.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have uterine fibroids. in order to know for sure, you will have to consult your doctor about scheduling a pelvic ultrasound. that is the only way to know for sure if you have fibroids, and if so, how many and how massive they are.

Ashlynn Culetta is a researcher, writer and educator on the topic of uterine fibroids. She is passionate about helping women with fibriods live high quality lives. For more information on uterine fibriods and to learn what you can do to treat them naturally, please visit Ashlynn’s site on fibroids symptoms.

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