Annie: Spouse with STD confused by ramifications

by Symptom Advice on January 5, 2011

Dear Annie: I have been married for 16 years. I was recently diagnosed with trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection. My doctor saidif I have been faithful to my husband, then he must have cheated on me. when I confronted my husband, he denied it. I had symptoms, but some women can have trichomoniasis for decades and not know it.

My husband’s business has been struggling financially, and this has taken a toll on us. It is not out of the realm of possibility he might have cheated on me. but he continues to deny it, even after I told him although I believe he did cheat, I still am committed to our marriage.

Annie, do most doctors believe their patients with this STD have cheating spouses? is it possible I carried this infection for 21 years, since my previous marriage, and am only now showing symptoms? Can you help me make sense of this? — Hurting in Florida

DEAR CONFUSED: Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted parasitic infection, and symptoms typically show up four to 28 days after exposure, usually in women. Men often have no symptoms, so urge your husband to be tested. It is highly unlikely one could acquire the infection through any means other than sex. The trich protozoa can live outside the body only for a very brief time. However, during that brief time, it is possible (though exceedingly rare) to contract trichomoniasis if the genital area comes into direct contact with infected damp or moist objects such as towels, clothing, bedding or bathing suits. you can get more details through the CDC ( at 1-888-232-6348 or ASHA (

Dear Annie: The letter from “Confused” really hit home. She said her husband never gives her a compliment and pouts when he doesn’t get his way, and their sex life doesn’t exist because he can’t bear to be touched.

When couples date, they often show only their best side. unfortunately, that lavish attention is washed away with everyday life once they marry. And some men like only the hunt. Once the catch is caught, they lose interest.

I think “Confused’s” husband married her because he loved what they had while they were dating. He simply doesn’t know how to live as a married man and how to be loving and attentive to his wife. — in the same Boat, Bailing Water

Dear Boat: We agree — except for the fact that her husband hates to be touched. that puts him in an entirely different category.

To write to Annie’s Mailbox, send to c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

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