Anxiety symptoms??

by Symptom Advice on August 21, 2010

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

crying over nothing….being scared of everything…and shaking when u r scared….i would know….i have it!!!

if your having an anxiety attack you would feel like your having a heart attack pretty much your arm may get numb, your chest feels really tight, shortness of breath. if you are having anxiety its usually caused from stress, go see a doctor they could probably ease your mind, and give you medicine for it anyway.

What are the Symptoms of GAD?

GAD affects the way a person thinks, but the anxiety can lead to physical symptoms, as well. Symptoms of GAD include:

Excessive, ongoing worry and tension
An unrealistic view of problems
Restlessness or a feeling of being "edgy"
Muscle tension
Difficulty concentrating
The need to go to the bathroom frequently
Trouble falling or staying asleep
Being easily startled

The physical symptoms of anxiety are caused by the brain sending messages to parts of the body to prepare for the "fight or flight" response. the heart, lungs and other parts of the body work faster. the brain also releases stress hormones, including adrenaline. the following symptoms can occur as a result:
abdominal discomfort
dry mouth
rapid heartbeat or palpitations
tightness or pain in chest
shortness of breath
frequent urination
difficulty swallowing
Psychological symptoms can include:
irritability or anger
inability to concentrate
fear of madness
feeling unreal and not in control of your actions (depersonalisation)
Take care.

Sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, tightness in your throat and your thoughts are racing all over the place.

heart pounding, head spinning, thoughts racing, pity

This site below tells about the symptoms of depression and has natural ways to help it including foods that help it according to the USDA.

common symptoms of anxiety are chest pains,shakes,twitches, claustrophobic feelings, and fear of others around you. If you are experiencing this or mite think you are, please see a doctor immediately.

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