Are those symptoms of colon cancer?

by Symptom Advice on February 13, 2011

Hi,I am male,20 years old.
Smoke less than half a pack a day.
I had problem with internal hemorhoids.
Lately i discovered that my grandpa just had surgery from colon cancer,which increseases my chances.
I have blood in stool once in a while,but as soon as i add fiber, it disappears.
I also was diagnosed with anemia.
I do not have bloating or "pencil stools",my times are regular every day.

Could i have colon cancer?

The thing to do is to have a colonoscopy. This is a very treatable form of cancer IF you catch it early, or in pre-cancerous stages. the thing is to do it as soon as you can. Delay is not good.

If you are cancer-free you will be able to stop worrying. If they do detect a problem they can catch it before it progresses too far.

I lost a friend to colo-rectal cancer because he put off treatment. I don't want anybody to go through what he did. Get it checked out.

Some forms of colon cancer are familial but your risk is very low if you only have one affected relative (send me the rest of your family history if you are concerned).
Anaemia is much more likely to be through poor nutrition than a marker of blood loss in colon cancer. I wouldn't be too worried so young. If you are particularly concerned your GP can refer you to clinical genetics clinics for genetic testing.

Why not seek your Doctors opinion, He'll know your family history and suggest what is best for you to do.

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