Blood sugar drops to point of blacking out. It never goes high. Now more symptoms of heart pain and numb …?

by Symptom Advice on June 8, 2011

tingle on side of face. Pulse rate stays about 100-110, even if I manage to keep sugar up. Is it possible I am having heart problems or a side effect of the low sugar. bad pancreas or liver or just old age? I am 43. already quit drinking about six months ago and I do not know what else to say or even try to explain to doctor. please help!

You sure it's not type 2 diabetes? I mean the numbness and tingling thing can be related to diabetes. get tested if you haven't already been so.

Two weeks ago around 6pm I had an episode of multiple symptoms that precipitated very quickly, within about three minutes, without warning. these included feeling very weak, shaking all over, light headed/dizzy,numbnessNumbness and tingling/tingling on fingertips and toes, slight shortness of breathBreath alcohol test
Breath holding spell
Breath odor and chillChills. I felt like passing out, flushed. I figured it was from not eating so I grabbed a burger and it seemed to alleviate the problems. Well, it happened again around the same time of day a few days later. But this time, eating didn't help as much. Eventually the symptoms went away. my colleagues observed that I looked very pale. Since then, I have been experiencing episodes every day in the eveningEvening primrose
Evening primrose oil. I keep a pile of energy bars in the office and gulp one down at the very firstFirst progesterone mc10
First progesterone mc5
First-progesterone vgs 100
First-progesterone vgs 200
First-progesterone vgs 25
First-progesterone vgs 400
First-progesterone vgs 50
First-testosterone mc hint of weaknessWeakness, shaking, which seems to go away in about ten minutes. if I don't, the symptoms quickly intensify until I am so shaky and weak that I can't remain in a sitting position.
I've had blood/urine test and was told all is ok.
Here's the curious part. Last two days, instead of gulping down an energy bar, I've been taking Vitamin B-12 that dissolves under the tongue. This seems to help alleviate the symptoms as well as the energy bar.
Any thoughts or guesses on this will be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you

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