I had a direct fall to the head (facial area), was thrown backwards and knocked out. when I awoke my entire body was numb for several minutes. Eventually my sensations returned but when medical staff assisted me up, they never put a cervical collar on me or braced my neck. during the next year & a half my walking, gait/balance become very bad. I was diagnosed with a severe spinal stenosis and had surgery. Unfortunately my gait & balance are still very poor. I am completely disabled and need the use of a walker to get around. I am only 51 years old.
Stenosis is a narrowing. could not be caused by fall.
The negligence in them not using a collar…I would contact a lawyer as there is normally a 2 yr statue on things like this. But they should have used a collar!
Check to see if you have spondylosis (sp) as this is deterrioration if the spinal cord and I have it in my C-spine and I am only 34 (I got it from a bad car accident)
they should have used a collar .. sorry to hear that hun but nothing is impossible you can go to rehab and get assistance with ur balance it should get better within a few months after entering the rehabilitation program… we are here for you