Can you join the military if you have crohn's disease?

by Symptom Advice on April 20, 2011

Im interested in joining the military, preferably the army, and have had Crohn's for 2 years. currently the disease is controlled and i have no symptoms.
Will the military accept me or is Chron's a pdq?

There's nothing wrong in asking for a waiver. I too have Crohn's, & was diagnosed 8 years ago. just before getting diagnosed I was planning on enlisting in the Army National Guard. that went out the window as I was severely suffering from the disease. You can't hide this when it flairs up. best of luck to you both in your quest to enlist and in staying healthy.

I went through ROTC with a guy who was diagnosed with Crohn's. I don't believe they let him commission after he was diagnosed.

That being said, one of my soldiers had Crohn's and was still able to deploy to Kuwait with us. she had some trouble keeping her symptoms under control because she didn't have the ability to control her diet.

I wouldn't advise lying about your ailment, but I would ask the recruiters to see if there is a waiver process. I

its a disqualifier……and im pretty sure they wont waiver crohns, simply because of your need for medications and medical care, and the limited diet you will be on.

I seriously doubt you would pass the physical

Dont tell the people at meps about your disease. If you have no symptoms and are comfortable about hiding your medicine then dont tell them. the people at meps try to dq you for anything so dont tell them anything. Lie on your questions unless you feel your sickness will keep you down in battle or basic. good Luck soldier.

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