Cancer Month

by Symptom Advice on May 3, 2011

I survived a singular and assertive cancer called Small Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, or SCCC. Hpv Cervical Cancer Symptoms it is a singular form of cervical cancer and nonetheless Small Cell Cancer is not singular in the liver, lung or brain; it is exceedingly singular when it originates in the cervix.

My role of this essay is to help women who have been diagnosed with this illness find data they are probing for (there is roughly nothing about it on the web) and give them hope that they can make this tour only similar to we did.

First let me beginning by reminding everybody that we am not a doctor and we do not have all of the answers. This is data we was able to find on my own and by asking questions. Please ALWAYS deliberate your health caring veteran before creation any assumptions about your diagnosis or prognosis. we are all not similar and reply otherwise to treatment. what was correct for me and my body, may not be what you need. This is only a starting point; a place to go and read about someone who has survived. My instruct is to be able to give you the hope to maintain yourself by this tour and come out the other end, cancer free. we hope you find this essay helpful.

Like we said, we asked questions. where we live, they had a hard time diagnosing my growth as it had never been seen by any of the doctors that were examining me. Cervical Cancer, as we know from all the HPV commercials out there, are often caused by this intimately transmitted disease. they have even related a particular aria (HPV 18) that is not as familiar as other HPV’s, to SCCC. However, we did not have any form of HPV. we had only had my good lady examination 10 months progressing (no pointer of anything wrong)and we was not scheduled for other for 2 more months. That’s how swift and assertive this cancer is. unlike other forms of cervical cancer that take years to rise and may be headed off when a PAP comes back abnormal, there were no such bell signs. Female cancer ran ramped in my biological family, so we was flattering steady about creation all of my doctor appointments. we had been beneath a extensive amount of highlight for a few time and we were in the center of relocating back to our home locale when we proposed to observe symptoms. we had a discharge. there was no fragrance and no shade and it was really seldom and really caused me no issues. we asked a buddy in the health caring margin what she considered and she mentioned it could be hormones or stress. we discharged it as we had more dire problems to treat with. two months went by and the secretion was more visit and had an odor. we was home, so we motionless to go and see my devoted and loyal Physician. Not a short time as well soon. we did not have inconsistent draining or suffering with intercourse. we comprehend that these are a few of the symptoms that other women have suffered. we had a outrageous black growth inside me. it had proposed to snuff out of the hankie and looked to be really advanced. we had several PET CT scans and an MRI over the next week. we searched and searched on the web for data whilst we waited is to pathology to come back and discuss it us what form of cervical cancer this was. there was one essay on SCCC but we wasn’t seeking for it at the time. everything about the more familiar forms of the cancer did not fit. we went to my Well Woman exams every year faithfully. something would have shown up before this. maybe not, but we considered it had to have shown up before right away if it were of the more familiar variety. we went back and found the one essay on SCCC and prayed it wasn’t this form.

Lung Cancer Secrets Revealed Because all the doctors that had carefully thought about me (4 in all); were not able to see the disparity between the tumors, done me weary. Not so ample of their aptitude to treat me, but we felt if they had never seen it or dealt with it, how would they ever know how to treat it. we searched once again to find the one essay we had come upon before. we read it more earnestly this time. the augury was horrible. it wasn’t giving me 5 or 10 years; it was essentially adage that we had a year or two and roughly no luck of ever being cancer free. no one really knew ample about the disease. Because it was so rare, there really was no data on it and no one could give me a good (or bad prognosis). what my doctors did say was that we was young and burly and they would free-for-all it with whatever we could take. if we could obtain absolved of it entirely the initial time around, we had a good luck of surviving. if we could stay cancer giveaway past the 18 month spot after the finish of my treatment, we had a great luck of being cured.

I went forward and did a few investigate in to Small Cell of the liver, Lung and brain. what we found out was that it responded good to chemo joined with radiation. My doctors of march already knew this and that was the plan. the one thing that hung complicated on my thoughts was surgery. the standard outline of assault for all cervical cancer was a hysterectomy first, heal, then beginning treatment. But when the tiny unit was in other places, no operation was done; the patients went correct in to treatment. Remember, this cancer is assertive and moves fast. the women in the essay that we read….. That hadn’t fared well, all had hysterectomies first. we did not want a hysterectomy. we asked my doctor the day we discussed my treatment plan; “would you run if this were Small Cell of the liver, lung or brain”? His answer was “No”. we did not have a hysterectomy and nonetheless there is no medical data to encouragement my feeling on this, we believe that preference saved my life. like we mentioned before; examine with you doctor. we am not revelation any person not to have a hysterectomy. for me….it was right. we will have one finally as gripping all of that inside of me only raises the chances of regularity in that area.

It has been 18 months given the finish of my treatment. it has been 17 months given we was strictly “cancer free”. My next PET CT will be in November and at that point, if we am still “cancer free”, we will have unquestionably battered the odds. they discuss it me this sort of cancer likes to come back and the aim period is often 6 to 18 months after treatment. so, OK….I have already won that battle. But it could come back at any time. the doctors want to see me cancer giveaway for 5 years. some data says 3 years. But for me…… even if it does come back…I’ll free-for-all it again…and we will win! we have no expiry date and we can’t let census data foreordain my survival. they are creation strides every day. they strike me with all my body could take and there were days we could hardly obtain out of bed. But we am good now. Recovery from the treatment has been rough, but no matter, we will do it all once again if we have to. we outline to stay cancer free, but we want everybody to know that perspective is key to survival. Keep your chin up. Be stronger than the cancer. It’s only a “thing” and you are a human being. You are stronger than anything that may come your way. Dig low down and you will find the strength inside of you.

Because this illness is so rare, we found myself feeling alone and isolated. we could describe to women with other womanlike cancers, but only on a particular level. no one had what we had. there was so ample doubt entangled with this illness that we felt no one could understand. When we was initial diagnosed we found a summary house on a website called we went back to the summary house a few months ago. the women and family members who had been posting were not around. we could read and see that a few had not survived and maybe others we thought, had only changed on, not wanting to consider it anymore. we posted a summary adage “I am here and cancer free”. a couple of months after that we listened from other lady who was moreover cancer free; about 1 year given the finish of her treatment. we proposed to email each other and we have turn swift friends. Our lives are really similar, but really not similar at the same time. She did not have a hysterectomy either, but the greatest resemblance is that our birthdays are on the same day. her name is Melanie. we live in California and she in Michigan, but we can discuss it her things we have never mentioned out loud. we am grateful for her and she is grateful for me.

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