Cervical Cancer Cause

by Symptom Advice on January 2, 2011

Cervical Cancer Cause

Cervical cancer is caused by severe abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix. most precancerous or cancerous cell changes occur in the cervix at the transformation zone because these cells normally undergo constant change. During this natural process of change, some cervical cells can become abnormal if you are infected with high-risk types of HPV.

Other factors that may play a role in causing cervical cancer are as following. Having sex before age 16. Having more than one sex partner, or having a sex partner who has more than one partner. Having an impaired immune system, such as from having HIV. Using birth control pills for more than 5 years. This may be related to infection with HPV.

Smoking or a history of smoking. Smoking seems to make HPV infections last longer. one study shows that your risk of cervical cell changes may also increase if you are around someone else while they smoke. Cervical cell changes are more likely to go away on their own in women who don’t smoke.

Since abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause symptoms, it is important to have regular Pap test screening. If cervical cell changes progress to cervical cancer, symptoms may develop. Symptoms of cervical cancer may be as following. Abnormal vaginal bleeding or a significant unexplained change in your menstrual cycle.

Bleeding when something comes in contact with the cervix, such as during sexual intercourse or when you insert a diaphragm. Pain during sexual intercourse. Abnormal vaginal discharge containing mucus that may be tinged with blood. Symptoms that may occur when your cervical cancer has progressed are listed here.

Anemia because of abnormal vaginal bleeding. Ongoing pelvic, leg, or back pain. Urinary problems because of blockage of a kidney or ureter. Leakage of urine or fecal content into the vagina because an abnormal opening (fistula) has developed between the vagina and the bladder or rectum. Weight loss.

Regular Pap test screening is the single most important tool to identify cervical cell changes early before they progress to cancer. If cervical cancer is not treated, it may spread from the cervix to the vagina, then into deeper tissue layers of connective tissue around the uterus. As it progresses, it may spread to the pelvic lymph nodes and other pelvic organs.

Advanced-stage cancer may spread to lymph nodes, to other organs in the pelvis, causing problems with kidney and bowel function, or to other organs in the body, such as the liver and lungs. Cervical cancer is classified in stages that are determined by the size of the cancer and how far it has spread to nearby tissues and other organs, such as the lungs, the liver, or bones.

Your doctor will determine the stage of your cervical cancer by gathering information from a variety of tests, including X-rays. the stage of your cancer is one of the most important factors in selecting the treatment option that is right for you. the long-term prognosis depends on the stage of your cervical cancer.

Other than cervical cancer, warts are also caused by some types of HPV. As warts are highly contagious they have become very prevalent in the general population. They can occur virtually anywhere on the body. If afflicted with warts, it becomes necessary to eradicate the HPV infection to eliminate them.

Warts occurring on the body, face, feet, hands or genitals can be successfully eliminated with AntiWarts-Rx. This product is made from strictly certified organic antiviral plant material and concentrated with naturally occurring monoterpene ketones which have tremendous antiviral effects against the wart virus, HPV, as demonstrated in published scientific studies.

As some go their entire life without ever having a wart, while others seem prone to the infection, it is commonly believed occurrences of warts are associated with a lower immunity against HPV. As a result, ImmunoDrops for Warts is a powerful organic dietary supplement developed by NaturesPharma exclusively to combat HPV and strengthen immune parameters for those afflicted with warts.

The antiviral properties of these treatments are undisputed and basic common sense must be considered when using any treatment, natural or synthetic. it is imperative that there is trust in the manufacturers who are the purveyors for quality. to learn more, please go to naturespharma.org.

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