Cervical Cancer Symptoms (No judgemental comments)?

by Symptom Advice on November 27, 2010

Usually some way or another different cancer symptoms are released either through the paper or school, etc like breast cancer you learn that if you find a lump in your breast this is something to worry about and could be cancerous, so what are the symptoms with cervical cancer? most young girls find it embarrassing to go and have a smear test I know that I have been putting it off for two years now and no matter how many people tell me i'm being childish or selfish, etc I still kind find the courage to go, I am a really shy person and so opening my legs for someone I have never met in my life is just my worst nightmare next to cancer. if someone like myself was to put this off for so long that they would someday encounter cervical cancer, what would be the symptoms they would need to be aware of. I don’t want no answers telling me how immature I am being, everyone has their own phobias and stripping half naked is one of mine.

Cancer is not a sexually transmitted disease and your mom is right you can get it and be a virgin. Cervical cancer doesn’t have symptoms until it is advanced so if you wait till then you are at risk for death. no one likes having a pap smear, but I don‘t remember anyone being embarrassed by it. I didn’t give it much thought as I was on the pill and you have to be examined to get it.

Why would a school paper publish symptoms of breast cancer? it has little relevance to the people reading it. I hope the included that self exams are not recommended at your age and the chance of getting it increases with age. at 25 there is a 1 in 20,000 chance of getting breast cancer.

Some symptoms:
abnormal vaginal bleeding, for example between periods or after sex
smelly vaginal discharge
discomfort during sex
vaginal bleeding after the menopause

BUT: if you wait to have identifiable symptoms, you'll be putting your life at risk. once symptoms like this develop, the cancer can be untreatable, or you'll endure months of painful, horrendous treatment.

You think letting a doctor look between your legs is embarrassing? try chemotherapy. You'd be a mess. Bald, puking, unable to control your bowels, dependant on others to look after you, like a zombie.

Smear tests identify early stages and warning signs – and could save your life.

Doctors and nurses have seen this all before, a gazillion times. You need to tell yourself it's not a big deal for them, so it shouldn't be a big deal for you, and get the test. I know you don't want to hear it, but you MUST. People die of this.

Read this:

It's a blog from a young woman who got breast cancer. Yeah, wrong disease, but same treatment. It's HELL.

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