Cervical Cancer Treatment

by Symptom Advice on December 16, 2010

Women are known to get affected with cervical cancer mostly.the female reproductive system gets affected by this type of cancer.Cervix is a part of the reproductive system located on the lower portion between the uterus and the vagina.

It occurs because of the human papilloma virus.few symptoms of cervical cancer includes heavy vaginal discharge, heavy bleeding, painful urination, bleeding after intercourse etc.a number of factors could cause cervical cancer like unprotected sex with multiple partners, poor diet, long term use of birth control pills, smoking, stress, etc.but by taking few preventive steps you can stay away from cervical cancer.

One of the major causes of cervical cancer is performing intercourse with multiple partners with out any protection.It is not known to a lot of people, but if a male has sex with somebody who is affected with human papilloma virus then the male could acquire the virus and spread it through sexual intercourse to other females also.

So do not indulge in sex with multiple partners without protection to prevent cervical cancer.Having sex at an early age could also trigger this human papilloma virus and end up resulting in cervical cancer.use of dirty public toilets can also increase your risk of cervical cancer because the virus lingers around if not cleaned regularly.so try to stay away from public toilets to prevent cervical cancer.Also try to avoid having sex during your menstruation period.

Refrain from habits like smoking, drinking etc. as certain studies have revealed that women who smoke are prone to cervical cancer.Also avoid long term usage of contraceptive pills to keep cervical cancer away.Try not to get pregnant at a very early age as that could increase your chances of developing cervical cancer.Stress could also trigger the human papilloma virus so try to stay away from all sorts of stress and tensions.Also make efforts to keep your immune system active and working efficiently to prevent cervical cancer.

Diet should not be ignored among all these factors.Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.keep your intake of vitamins a, C, E, etc. adequate to prevent cervical cancer.If you have a history of cervical cancer in your family then you are likely to get affected so make regular visits to your doctor to detect cervical cancer.By following these steps you will definitely prevent cervical cancer.

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