Could I have scars in my pancreas?

by Symptom Advice on February 28, 2011

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Could I have scars in my pancreas?
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Could I have scars in my pancreas?
Hello. Five years ago I had three pancreatitis attacks that kept me at the hospital for several days each. Then a year later I had one that was so serious I nearly lost my life in intensive care. I am wondering if these attacks, although I have not have any again could have left scars in my pancreas. while I don't have pain, I do have the other symptoms of bloading; feeling full and pain in the back. Also, What I have is hereditary pancreas genenic. Would a CT scan of the stomach show that? thank you for your reply.

The pancreas does not "scar". however the tissue of the pancreas does damage, and it becomes fibrotic or hard. Pancreas tissue does not regenerate. this means when it is damaged it is not replaced with new fresh tissue, the damaged tissue, becomes hard and does not function.
A cat scan looks at the anatomy of your pancreas, it does not diagnose. Only a physician or health care provider can diagnose. A cat scan is a test done in the radiology department of a hospital. I don't understand what you mean by heredity pancreas genenic. Are you trying to say that you have Hereditary Pancreatitis and that it is genetic? the only way to determine that you have Heredity Pancreatitis would be from blood or tissue tests.
It is possible for a person to have chronic pancreatitis. It is also possible to have chronic pancreatitis when the cause is hereditary.
If you are having symptoms it would be best to speak with your physician regarding your symptoms. There is no cure for pancreatitis, however there are treatments. At the least the cause for your symptoms should be determined.

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