DC Ladies: Know and understand the dangers of Pancreatitis

by Symptom Advice on November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! Before you offer your dog a buffet of table scraps this weekend let me first tell you about Channey. She is a chubby, 11-year-old Jack Russell terrier who presented for sudden onset vomiting, anorexia and bloody diarrhea. Prior to these symptoms, her owners did not notice anything out of the ordinary, although they did mention that they had given her a large steak bone from their dinner the night before.

On physical exam Channey was very quiet, dehydrated, had a mild fever and was painful on palpation of her abdomen. my immediate thought was that her condition was caused by pancreatitis, a fairly common diagnosis or suspected cause of vomiting and diarrhea that many people do not know much about.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, a gland that lives in close contact with the stomach, liver and small and large intestines. its major function is to secrete enzymes that help digest nutrients in the small intestine.

photo credit pictures of puppies and dogs

Pancreatitis occurs when a breakdown causes the digestive enzymes to come into contact with the pancreatic tissue. this results in a large amount of inflammation that extends to the surrounding organs and, in severe cases, through the entire body. The most severe cases of acute pancreatitis can result in death, although this is uncommon.

We are not sure what causes pancreatitis, but there are many suspected causes, with pet obesity and ingesting a very fatty meal being at the top of the list.

My first step was to order x-rays, to find out if we could see what was causing the abdominal pain. Despite Channey’s recent steak-bone snack, I wasn’t expecting to see any bone fragments remaining, as these are usually digested very quickly. still, I wanted to rule out any other abnormalities and make sure Channey’s small intestines had not formed a pattern consistent with obstruction. The x-rays were unremarkable which made me even more suspicious of pancreatitis.

Next, I submitted bloodwork and admitted Channey for supportive care. Channey’s bloodwork showed she had a high white cell count consistent with inflammation and a high red cell count along with mild electrolyte abnormalities indicating she was most likely dehydrated. Fortunately, she did not have any elevations in her liver values, which can be another common finding with pancreatitis.

There is no specific treatment for pancreatitis – instead we try to alleviate the symptoms and make the patient more comfortable. We started Channey on intravenous fluid therapy to re-hydrate her and antibiotics to help with the diarrhea.

Pancreatitis itself is not infectious but severe diarrhea can lead to secondary bacterial infections. to help keep her comfortable, we gave her pain medication along with anti-nausea medications. She was not offered food for twenty-four hours to allow her gastrointestinal tract time to rest and the inflammation to decrease.

Channey was in the hospital for about two and a half days before she began to improve. She started eating the small amounts of bland diet we offered her and was able to keep it down. by the fourth day we had transitioned her to oral medications, she was eating well without vomiting and appeared much more comfortable. She went home with suggestions for weight loss and strict instructions to avoid any fatty foods.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday with your family, both two and four legged. I hope this tale helps you and your dog avoid a visit to Friendship’s emergency room this weekend.

Ashley Hughes, DVMI’m reading: Know and understand the dangers of Pancreatitis

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