I've been getting the buzzing pins and needles sensation in my arms for a little over a week now. It usually lasts for just a second or two, and it starts from my shoulders and travels down to my wrists, getting stronger around the joints and fading out at my wrists. sometimes only my left arm gets it, but often both do. I get them especially when I sit down, but my arms are not in any awkward position when it occurs. My arms just feel weak during and after it happens, and the number of occurrences are increasing daily.
Is it possible that it could be a symptom of Parkinson's disease? My grandfather has Parkinson's plus syndrome, and I read that Juvenile Parkinson's is usually hereditary.
Also, I have teenage asthma, and when I take ventolin pills, my hands will start trembling along with my heart rate increasing, but I'm told it is a normal side-effect. could the pins and needles be a side effect as well?
It doesn't really hurt, but I'm worried if there's something wrong with my nerves.