Question by the World’s Greatest: Do YOU know what is wrong with my dog?I have a Poodle who is 5 years old…
Bruno has been limping one of his back legs for 6 months. the vet did not diagnose him wirth arthritis. then out of no where he had a bold spot on his upper back. he does not itch it so it probably is not mange and it is purplish. the same vet took a lime disease test and the results were negative……Do you know what is wrong?
I have cats that he likes to chase and pull off their hair. Maybe they bit him one and the wound got infected or the groomers cut him. However, he might have cancer…
The vet gave me this cream that does S!@# and just makes Bruno want to scratch the spot…..idk please helpI have an appointment with a GOOD vet in a few weeks.
Best answer:
Answer by • Jen •I think you need to find another vet soon! And take him to a vet NOW! he could be injured or have something serious wrong with him
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