Does any one have a home remedy for asthma symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 16, 2011

Started to get sick a couple days ago with a sore throat, runny nose, low grade temp of 100. now my asthma has flared up. I am short of breath, tight and wheezy in the lungs and coughing allot, however I'm not coughing any thing up. got out my Hand held nebulizer and started using it every 4-6 hours. the wheeziness is better however I am still short of breath and just feel terrible all over. does any one have any suggestions like some home remedy's or something.

You can learn about many natural asthma remedies as well as many home remedies at
Here are a few examples:
Mullein oil is used to fight respiratory congestion. it is very important to make it as a tea for faster results.

Use ginko bilboa to reduce the frequency of your asthma attacks.

A very tasteful herb for children is Lemon verbena tea. this herb reduces wheezing.

Get the doctor out or go to the hospital. If you're still short of breath after the nebuliser then you need to get help and fast. Don't mess around with home remedies. You can die from asthma, it's not something to mess about with.

about it you can get information from here

caffeine will only help ease an attack temporarily. You need to go to a doctor!

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