Dog symptoms? – Yahoo! Answers

by Symptom Advice on January 29, 2011

I've just got in the house, and my dogs laying on the floor, visibly shaking. his legs were tensing and untensing, but thats stopped. He's been sick twice, both times a yellowish foam and some liquid that looks like cooking oil has come out.

He's a small yorkshire terrier, anyone know whats up, and if its serious?


looks like a seizure to me – take him to a vet to get him checked up.

That's bile he's vomiting and that is a problem. I would run to the vet immediately. Screw making an appointment;…..just get him there as soon as you can.

Sounds very serious. No one here can give your dog the proper care he needs. get him to the vet ASAP.

I would defiantly take him to the vet. getting sick is one thing but shaking like that could mean something worse.

Yes, your vet – that's what vets are for.
Why on earth are you wasting time on here asking people who have no medical training and can't even see your dog when he is obviously ill and needs to be seen by the vet?

Get him to the vet — now!!!

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